
AcadeCon Plans and Project Juggling!


As the leaves are falling and the nights grow longer, we’re keeping busy over here at Blackfall Press!

First up, take a look at this awesome new website!  Thanks to one of our associates, has never looked so awesome!  Thanks again to our favorite faerie imp for all the help.  Take a look around and enjoy the new digs!

Also, we’ve got AcadeCon incoming!  AcadeCon is the brainchild of the gang over at The RPG Academy, whom I first met over at CincyCon earlier this year.  The RPG Academy guys are huge fans of Cold Steel Wardens:  I ran them through one of my exclusive adventures, On Gossamer Wings, as part of their RPG Academy podcast.  Take a listen, if you haven’t heard it already!

So, what are we doing at AcadeCon?  Well, firstly, Jules will be running a whole series of CSW demos all weekend, so if you’re attending and haven’t yet tried Cold Steel Wardens, your seats will be waiting!  Andy, however, will be doing something a little bit different.  He’ll be running demo sessions of his new board game prototype, Dwarven Defenders!


Oh, yes, friends and neighbors.  Andy’s keyboard has been ablaze with new projects over the past few months, not the least of which has been the aforementioned Dwarven Defenders.  So, what has he been working on so fervently?

  • Cold Steel Wardens Studio 2 re-release.  Andy’s made some minor changes (mainly in terms of readability and ease of use, but a few bits of errata), which are now in the hands of our layout designers.  After that, it’ll be sent off to the gang at Studio 2 for publication and the subsequent print run.
  • CSW: Rogues’ Gallery.  Andy’s got the draft of this done and it’s now in the hands of his lovely and talented development team.  Keep your eyes peeled for news on the upcoming Kickstarter for this one in early 2016.
  • Dwarven Defenders.  A board game, rather than an rpg, Dwarven Defenders casts players in the role of stalwart dwarves attempting to defend their ancestral tomb from the machinations of the necromancer Jaegren Lern.  A combination of a dungeon crawler (in the vein of Descent or Castle Ravenloft) and online tower defense games, players must carve runes, scavenge relics, and build temple defenses by day, in the hopes to stave off Jaegren Lern’s undead hordes.  It’s a one vs. many game that carries 3-7 players and plays between 60 and 120 minutes.
  • Deus Vult: Occult Horror in 1135 Jerusalem.  Andy’s next rpg project, Deus Vult whisks players away to the Holy City of Jersualem at the foundation of the Crusader Kingdoms.  However, even as the Levant faces the man-made horror of war and religious hatred, yet darker demons lurk in the night.  Jerusalem’s sacred walls are home to horrors sealed away in ancient catacombs, eldritch tomes meant for no man’s eyes, and foul occult rituals chanted by moonlight,  Andy’s still writing the rules for this one, but expects to have a full rule-set by the end of the year and hopes to have it ready for playtest during the 2016 convention cycle.


Keep your eyes peeled here, friends, for all the news on these upcoming projects as well as where you can try these games out!

